Coming Events 2024


Sat 12th Oct
Club Prizegiving Dinner

Time: 6.30pm.
Venue: 1 Disralli St, Johnsonville, Wellington.

Contacts: Jo McCarthy by email or by phone/text 022 641 1911.

Sun 27th Oct
Captains Sunday Run

A drive to Greenhough Gardens, 914 Napier Rd, Palmerston North.
Contacts: Peter Fleming 022 415 0038 and Ron Blackwell 021 954 073.

Thu 31st Oct
OSH Run. Scott & Joan's Observation Trial.

Time: 10.45AM, Thursday 31st October
Meet: Car park at the Mobil Service Station, corner Old Main Road and Te Moana Road, Waikanae
Finish: Reds Cafe, 5 Arthur Street, Otaki for lunch. A group booking for 1.00PM. Lunch menu and a great selection of cabinet food

Please advise that you are coming before Wednesday the 30th - text to 027 243 2659 or email Scott and Joan.


Mon 4th Nov
Committee Meeting

Held via Zoom. All members welcome. Please contact the Secretary for the Zoom code.Details to be entered.

Fri-Sun 8th,9th & 10th Nov
Annual MG Classic Race Meeting

This is our big annual race meeting.
Details here.

Sun 17th Nov
Captains Sunday Run

Details to be entered.

Sun 24th Nov
Surgery Sprints - Round 5 2024

To enter you don't need a race car for this; Mum's WOF'd & Registered shopping cart will do! It's great fun and first time entrants are welcome. Enter through Motorsport Online or download an entry form from the Surgery website.
Contact: Surgery Sprints co-ordinator Alan Hyndman by email.


Become a member

We are truly eclectic and cater for MGs of all types and vintages, from the very old to the very new, we care only that you care.

We have a strong membership both in terms of size and MG enthusiasm.

We have low cost membership fees, $70.00 single, $80.00 joint and $90.00 for family membership. The subs are maintained deliberately low and events are often subsidised to maximise participation.

Regular Monthly Events

Monthly Noggin 'N Natter, first Wednesday of the month Feb to Dec

All Noggin 'N' Natter's have been cancelled until a new suitable venue is found.
Please send your venue suggestions to the Secretary.

Venue to be decided. Find out more.

NOTE: We do occasionally do a site visit for the N&N so it pays to check the events calendar for the latest information

Monthly Club Night on the third Wednesday (except December)

Club nights comprise a dinner at a local restaurant. Venues alternate between Wellington City, Hutt Valley, Tawa and Kapiti. Normal start time is around 6.30pm. See below for details of the next dinner. NOTE There is usually no dinner in the month of the AGM. Dinners are normally scheduled for 6.30 for 7.00pm

Monthly Old Speckled Hen Runs

The OSH runs are a mid week run held normally on the last Thursday of each month. The run usually ends up at a place of interest, a café or a restaurant after a pleasant short, or sometimes longer drive over some unusual routes. More information and the timetable for the year can be found HERE Short runs are indicated by an asterisk (*) and longer runs by a plus sign (+)

Monthly Committee Meetings

The Committee usually meets on the first Monday of each month except in January.
Since Covid, the Committee meetings are conducted on Zoom.
Club members are welcome to attend Zoom committee meetings and can obtain the Zoom meeting code from the Secretary.

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